Symptoms that confirmed miscarriage.

Rayne • 👼 - February 10th, 2019, chemical - October 21st, 2020, 👼 - February 12th, 2021, chemical - April 4th, 2021. Chemical - May 2nd, 2021. No babies yet.

I just miscarried, but I will not write much about the miscarriage itself, as it is not something people would like to read about. I wanted to share the symptoms that made me realize something was wrong. Because this is something that might be useful for those, whose pregnancy does not go smoothly. Because ladies, even though doctors say you cannot prevent a miscarriage, some actions could still avoid it.

1. Brown Spotting.

I had spotting from the day one I found out I was pregnant. I spotted before the due date, during due dates, week after and throughout after 7 weeks until miscarried at 10 weeks. I did noticed spotting was becoming less noticeable if I used progesterone. But my OB never allowed me to increase the doze, so I stuck on 100 mg a day, which I believed was not enough. I am progesterone deficient.

2. Yellow discharge.

My brown discharge was changing to yellow discharge and back. At some point it even smelled like puss(sorry for tmi). Unfortunately, it did not alarm my OB, like any other symptoms I was trying to alert him with. Only reading now I know that yellow discharge could be caused by infection, even putting the smell away. If OB would send me to check for the vaginal infections, probably something could be avoided. Btw, my last blood work confirmed bacterial infection.

3. All of the sudden my breasts stopped being sensitive

They never get back to the pregnancy normal. All of a sudden at week 8 they became smaller and stopped paining.

4. Lower backpain

While abdominal and lower back pain can be normal during pregnancy, I learned that if they end with spotting or more spotting - it is an alarming sign

5. One good day I saw one small red blood spot

It was a bad sign, although it disappeared the same day. Again, my OB said it was nothing.

6. No heartbeat on doppler

I bought doppler because I was so worried. I managed to catch placenta, but no baby heartbeat.

7. Paid ultrasound

They confirmed no heartbeat and that the fetus measured around 7-8weeks, while I was 10 weeks. Exactly when I felt something was off. And my baby had a strong heartbeat at 7 weeks. Read what were the bad signs above. My Ob totally disregarded the paid ultrasound results and sent me to urgent one that was scheduled in 4 days. In 3 days, my miscarriage started. I miscarried in an emergency room. It took me 13 hours.

Although they say there is nothing you can do. A lot of things still could be prevented if properly diagnosed. Lesson for me, demand your OB to do all proper tests. I technically was pushing him for some, but it was not enough. I could do better.