Stressed and feel alone

I am 25 weeks pregnant and have two other kids 6 and 2 yrs old. I am still in a relationship with their father but I feel alone. I have tried talking to him about my feelings and that I need more help but it's like he doesn't get it. We have been together 12 yrs and honestly I don't know if I want to keep going on. He thinks I'm hormonal and that could be the case, but I work, come home and cook, clean and make sure the kids are taken care of while he just have all the freedom in the world. I told him my concerns and that I would like to see him help me but nothing ever changes. I have talked to counselors, certain family members to try and vent, but seems like I'm just going into a depression state of mind. I love my kids dearly but sometimes I just need or want a break. Sorry just needed to vent...

Edited: He does work and off on the weekends like I am. I constantly have the kids from the time they wake up until it's time for bed. I drop them off to daycare before I go to work and he just stays home and sleep until it's time for him to go to work. I've mentioned he could drop them off and I could pick them up but it's always an excuse.