Late af

Alright y’all I’m 5 days late today officially and still negative tests. I don’t track ovulation besides on the app so I wouldn’t know if I ovulated late but my periods never been late besides when I’m stressed and i haven’t been stressed at all so I’m just low key confused 🤷🏼‍♀️

Should I just wait longer and see if my period comes then? Or is there something else that could help me figure this stuff out? I’m really bad and new at this type of stuff. Also haven’t been on bc in at least 2 years so nothing like that would effect it. Also don’t know if maybe I’m pregnant and I just can’t produce enough for it to show up on a test or if my test are crap 💩 I was feeling a lot of symptoms originally that made me check to see if I was pregnant but now they’ve mostly gone away besides here and there they’ll pop up and the only thing that’s officially started recently and stuck around is my boobs hurt badly and some cramping from time to time.