Please Share with Me!

The first time I became pregnant, I had what I thought was a normal period...tampons and everything. Till the last day. I had an unusual glob. Something told me to test so I did and I got a BfP. I scheduled a drs appt and the day they confirmed, I had the weirdest ringing in my ear. I was in the midst of planning our wedding and a week before all this I was super moody, even kicked my sister out my wedding...(my one week of Bridzillaness which I apologized for and asked her back in!) I had started taking naps, which I hardly Ever do. I dont remember anything else changing other than slightly, ever so slightly having tender breasts. Shortly after, I miscarried. That was almost 5 years ago. Still struggling and have since had at least 1 other miscarriage though i believe i had 2 more since. Yet almost every month, I second guess myself. Am i pregnant? Or is it just AF?

This cycle, I started 2 days early and was 2 days shorter than normal. I've had a cold, so i can't tell if I'm moody and tired from that or something else. But I've been having these slight abdominal twinges... not sure how to explain exactly, they aren't painful just slightly uncomfortable. I might test soon, just nervouse and I guess waiting for a bigger sign.

I want to hear others experiences, especially ones that thought it was Af and turned out pregnant. And, What were some of your weirdest symptoms? Please share!!!!!