I contacted his fans about his child? Your thoughts?

So my first child’s dad is a deadbeat but he’s a musician and its his first child. He has never tried to meet her , I’d beg for him to see her after i gave birth to her (she’s almost 2 now) and I’m now married with two other children:

He then tried to harass me through the courts and his lawyer dropped him because he wouldn’t contact me to see his daughter. He was “certain” he wasnt her father when i didn’t sleep with anyone else. Mind you i was 18 and he was 37 and i regret being so naïve and regret having allowed him to lure me into sex but he’s a grown man and was a grown man and i should have just said no..

He was super controlling, manipulative, mean and would call me names.. so i left..

But he was always welcome to be in her life and I’d have to beg him.

Fast forward to last year he got a paternity test from the court and it showed she was his. And then he went no contact again. But he wouldn’t even contact me one on one about our daughter he’d just talk about the court stuff and wouldn’t even say her name or mention her. His lawyer told him to call me and he refused so she dropped him eventually because he kept saying he wanted full custody. (Laughable cause i live in another state and he’s never met her nor tried to reach out to me once) then he didn’t even show up at the hearing.. and all of it felt like he just wanted to harass me cause i got married and was pregnant at the time with my twins.

After so much fight I’m just finished. So the last thing i did was contact some of his big fans. And the responses shocked me.

These people really don’t care that he took advantage of a then 18 year old as an almost 40 year old men , impregnated her and then abandoned the child , they care more about his voice 💀

I know it’s not anyone’s business but i felt like it was my last resort and i feel like his supporters should know who they are supporting.. its not fair to my daughter.

She’s mixed, we are white and she will never be able to bond with her culture cause i don’t know where to start.. i just want her to feel like she belongs and that she’s loved.. and it’s just unfair. And i feel completely unheard.