Ex boyfriend and family

Hi guys not really sure what to start with but I’m hoping some of you can help?

Me and my ex broke up November 2019, he really hurt me and was really horrible (a lot of drug use and stuff), he then came back in January after I was admitted to hospital (I have a lot of seizures) and was all lovely and fine then left me again after about 2 months by ghosting me.

He messaged me last Christmas (2020) and keeps telling me how sorry he is and everything I’ve basically heard before, he said he wanted me back and so I said if he wanted me he had to change and show me he wasn’t gonna hurt me like he did before.

Now for obvious reasons my mum and dad really do not like him, they caught me out with him in January and flipped out and said I can’t go near him and they hate him etc. I won’t lie I have still been seeing him and so far he has shown me that he’s really trying and that he’s not doing drugs anymore- i know that he could be saying this because it’s what I want to hear but I do genuinely think he’s changing. He also sent me flowers for Valentine’s Day and my mum told me if they’re from him I need to throw them away.

I really want to see him more and want to tell my mum and dad but I really don’t want to upset them anymore than I already have, he’s the only one that makes me feel anything really and I just want to be with him without worrying about if we’re gonna get caught.

What do you guys think I should do? We’re both 19 so I know we’re both young but I really don’t know what to do with the situation.

Thanks :)