Post CP early ovulation?


TW: Loss, bleeding.

Last month I had very light bleeding from 25th January to the 28th. I was due my period on the 27th Jan so I assumed this was a weird but early period. On the 31st Jan I got a BFP, however at that point I was about 16DPO and the line certainly wasn’t dark enough. A few days later the tests did get a fraction darker. On 8th Feb I had intense pains and another bright red but very light bleed. The EPU saw me based on the amount of pain I was in had them worrying about an ectopic. Luckily it wasn’t, but they confirmed I had a chemical pregnancy. There was nothing to see on the scan aside from one tiny clot which might have been the last of it.

My hcg declined very fast and I got a negative hpt last Friday. I had very specific ovulation pains on Sunday and my temp was suddenly higher, I started OPKing and got a high reading. Then on Monday I had my peak and could confirm ovulation. I now have my usual post ovulation sore boobs so I am absolutely sure that ovulation occurred.

So firstly, I’m suspicious that the first bleed was where I lost the pregnancy because it was heavier than the second bleed with clots. But that doesn’t explains why the lines on further tests were darker. If that was the case, then I would have ovulated CD21 which is a lot later than usual but what I’d expect with a CP. However, if the loss happened on the 8th Feb then that would mean Ive ovulated maybe CD8 or CD9? Which seems extremely early. We DTD on all the days anyway, but I’m really unsure of where I am in terms of CD. I’ve also read that early ovulation can cause problems because the egg isn’t mature enough, but if it is a late ovulation the LP isn’t long enough which can cause problems. Gosh why is TTC so complex?

Any sort of insight or thoughts are welcomed 💗