Have any of you ever had a positive fetal fibronectin test and had baby within that week?

Carly • 3 little girls! Riverlynn 6/18/2013 & Rynnleigh 8/13/2017 & Rosalin 11/6/2018 and 1 little boy due 5/8/2021!

I’m 28 weeks and looking for similar experiences. This is my 4th baby and I’ve have premies before at 35 weeks. I’ve been into l&d with contractions. I’m at a 2 and they tested me to see if baby would come within the 7-10 period which came back positive.

If you’ve ever been in this situation how did it end for you? Early birth or carry till term? I’m also on makenna injections and baby aspirin for high bp.