So frustrated, tired, pissed off and bored


My waters broke last night at half an hour before 36 weeks. I am high risk with gestational diabetes and other risk factors and so have been told that although they want the baby not to come until 37 weeks, I have to stay in.

I am in a ward with 3 other women, two of whom have had periodic contractions. I’ve had none. As well as listening to the random shouting, there is also a tap in here that has now been gushing for about 6 hours. They haven’t been able to turn it off yet.

Last night, I slept for an hour before my waters ruptured. Then, in the hospital, I dozed for about 20-30 mins. All the side rooms are being kept for Covid positive women so I’m maybe looking at doing this for a well.

I’m so fed up.