Mom cutting me off

My mom and I got into an argument over something small. She’s the type of person that holds large grudges and refuses to acknowledge her wrongs. However this time, it’s mainly my fault and I’ve tried to apologize and explain. I’ve had so many things going on in my life - a lot of bad things. I was in a terribly bad relationship. My ex was abusive, physically and mentally. After I told my mom, she told me that It was my fault that I stayed. I was hiding an alcohol addiction from my parents and I almost committed suicide. Luckily, right before I was going to do it, I ran into some old classmates of mine and I broke down and soon as I saw them and I sobbed while they held me. My mom told me that she doesn’t care about me and that she wants nothing to do with me anymore. She said that she doesn’t care about what I’m going through. She said all I have is my dad and not her and wished me good luck. My sister and i also don’t really get along well... mainly due to her being racist and extremely shallow. I don’t know how to respond to her. Should I just move on?? I love my mom but she made it really clear that she doesn’t want to talk to me ever again. She’s blocking my phone and that’s the only way I have contact with her since she doesn’t live near me. Sorry. I just wanted to vent, sometimes I feel bad for burdening my friends with my problems.