Bed time for my 4 month old update


Well, I’m thinking it was a pretty successful night! Could do some improvements BUT he was asleep by 8:30! Usually our night goes until about 10 so I’m very proud of him. We did bath time, feed cuddles & story time. All with low light. Then, he knew it was coming lol. He was not having it at all. So I put him down but he was loosing it so I did bring him back out to the living room with me. Within 10 minutes he was sleeping. So I carried him to the room, he did wake up when I laid him in his crib. So I sat with him for a new moments and then left. He cried for about 25 minutes. Not physically crying more like whining. But he went down! And didn’t wake up until 3am for his next feed, which daddy took care of because I was getting ready for work. It was a great night. & tonight I will try a few different things. Last nap a little earlier & shorter. And I will start night time routine a little bit later, maybe 7:30 rather than 7. Thank you all for your tips yesterday! We are getting there!! 🙏🤞🏼