narcissistic mom constantly overstepping

ham • US Army’s best kept secret

i cut my mom out of my life when i was a teenager, i let her back in but with STRICT rules. she tested the boundaries at first but settled down once she realized i wasn’t going to put up with it anymore.

now that i’m pregnant though she’s crossed the line more than once. saying things like “oh why don’t you just give him to me and i’ll take care of him”, judging what i do in pregnancy, buys things i don’t want my baby to use and then gets pissed when i say i don’t want it (even though i’ve told her multiple times before she bought it). i had a feeling something like this would happen because when my sister was pregnant (both times) my mom was so controlling over EVERYTHING and it continued after she gave birth. but the difference is my sister lives at home and allows my mom to coddle her. i don’t even live anywhere near the same state as my mom, i own my house, i don’t allow her to pay/provide me with anything, i don’t even include her in life decisions.

this morning though she OVER OVER STEPPED.

she’s been trying to name my son. she wants to name him connor, which my husband and i agreed we didn’t want. she had my sister text me in the morning “suggesting” the name connor 🙄 i gave several reasons why i don’t want to name him connor. less than 5 minutes later my mom texted me, not only did she buy something i told her not to, she sent a very rude message about how she doesn’t want me naming her grandson something stupid. she’s also mad that i let my MIL send some name SUGGESTIONS. when i explained the difference between demanding and offering some suggestions she called me a smart ass.

i just- am i being too harsh ? i don’t know how normal mother daughter interactions are so is this normal ??? i don’t know if she’s making me feel like i’m overreacting or if i actually am