Is this normal? *trigger warning*

3 years ago I was raped by my fiancé. While drinking I passed out in our home and he raped me in the shower and in our bed. He penetrated me with hairspray bottles and filmed it. He showed me the video the next morning and I brushed it off and completely forgot about it. Our relationship has always been pretty toxic and some stuff has caused that night to resurface for me and I am so not okay. He doesn’t acknowledge what he did to me and he only says “I was drunk too and I’m sorry you see it that way”. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to actually accept that I was raped by the man I love. It hurts. I don’t know what to do.

Is this a normal thing for something bad to happen then for you to not realize how truly bad it was until much later? I seriously don’t understand how I feel or what to do about this...

Can someone please give me advice? Should I just drop it?