Spotting- Nervous about ultrasound tomorrow

Tomorrow is my first ultrasound. I’ll be 9w1d according to my LMP. I’m so nervous. Every time I have a BM I get some slight bleeding that automatically turns into brown discharge. It’s been like that everyday for a week almost. My appointment isn’t until tomorrow after lunch. We did <a href="">IVF</a> last year and had super early ultrasounds so waiting this long has been hard. Our <a href="">IVF</a> ended in a D&C at 14 weeks because the babies split late and ended up being conjoined twins. They caught that at my appointment when I was 9 weeks. Their due date would’ve been the end of this week. We miraculously got pregnant in December. (I have stage IV endometriosis and only one Fallopian tube (which is why we went the <a href="">IVF</a> route). I’m just all over the place with anxiety about tomorrow.