Husband cheated

And I feel relieved?? I’m definitely hurt, but at the same time I feel this weight lifted off me. I feel like the expectations for our marriage is now different. I’ve been loyal to him for so long, we’ve been togather 10 years. Early on I caught him flirting with some other girl online 4 months into the relationship and nearly ended it right there. But recognized that he was feeling insecure about our relationship and gave him another chance, he has been super loyal since. I broke up with him for 2 weeks at 10 months and I did see someone in that time frame who was emotionally manipulating me (I have confirmation of this and I’m not saying it to excuse myself) and when we got back togather I decided to give him my all. We’ve been married 8 years and I guess this last year he got mixed up with the wrong person. I’m not okay with it, but I feel like he’s actually very sorry. It seemed like they had a lot of chemistry based on what he’s describing he went through. (We had an honest heart to heart) and didn’t know how to handle it. So I’m willing to stay and I feel way better about our relationship. Maybe it’s the guilt from the break up 9 years ago.

Idk what’s wrong with me because this can’t be normal but I also don’t really want to fix it because it feels good. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

*and just to be clear yes we broke up but only after I kissed the guy and realized I needed to be single from him. It was a bad idea. I consider that cheating just not the worst type of cheating if that make sense*