What is the worst way you quit a job?

I’ll go first. I worked at an ice cream shop and the management was awful. I mean they would change the schedule on the daily basis, not tell us or even post it, write us up for being late, or clocking in too early. Our day/night leaders would take 2 hour breaks on the clock, and would yell at us if our break (clocked out) was over by a minute or two. They would stay in the back and be on Instagram (I saw it with my own eyes on multiple occasions), while we worked in the front. They had the nerve to demand that I answer a phone call from them when I was in class or while I was busy. Not to mention all the health violations that was going on.

I did some job searches and when I was hired elsewhere, I texted them that I resigned effective immediately and blocked their number. Not my best moment nor professional, but I was so done with that toxic work environment.