Dr giving up after 2 rounds...

Bit of background: started on 50mg in October, positive opk cd 18 but bfn. Upped to 100mg this month, positive opk on cd 19. So I got a call from my dr today regarding my cd 21 progesterone level, which had dropped from 8.98 last month to 2.71 this month. She wants to refer me to a fertility clinic 2 hours away. I can try one more round of Clomid 100mg, but they don't think I'm actually ovulating. I already have a two year old, so I'm not really interested in <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> or I feel (also had pretty severe pre eclampsia last time). Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome. I really need some insight and hope.