People’s comments while pregnant

Honestly I’m so over some of the comments people make to you while pregnant.

Everyone keeps telling me “I look great” because my weight gain is mostly all to my stomach and I have naturally really good skin.. like thanks I may look “great” but I feel like shit. And I feel as though nobody is actually checking up on me to see how I am because “I look good so I must be good right?”

And then the other comment that really grinds my gears is.. “wow I feel like your pregnancy has gone really fast”.

Like if I hear one more person say that to me I swear I’m gonna punch them.. It most definitely has not gone fast for me, I feel like I’ve been pregnant and miserable forever.

My best friend said to me the other day when I was complaining to her, “your pregnancy hasn’t even been that hard compared to others”.. like how would you know? Pregnancy is the hardest thing I’ve ever done I’m my entire life 🙃

Anyway anyone else have comments people make that piss you off ?