Confident and happy person but feel invisible to men

I’m fairly pretty, like a little bit of makeup and love fashion, I’m friendly and very smiley, I’m chatty and I’m confident about myself. People tell me I’m easy to talk to and I get a lot of people confiding in me to talk about problems

The only thing is I feel invisible to men. Guys even pre covid never pursued me, only weird men who made it obvious they wanted sex or who were clueless about what is appropriate to do around women, appearing creepy.

I just don’t understand it. I’m a very laid back no drama person, I never have prolonged arguments with people and I’m very laid back so I know I’ll be good in a relationship.

My house mates seem to have guys after them all the time and get a new boyfriend about 3 weeks after the last one dumps them or they move on. They seem to have so much drama with guys and it seems horrible. I’m a no drama kinda person but never had biyfrjend so I don’t understand, are my friends having false superficial relationships?

My male friends tell me I’m wife material as I’m mature and apparently well grounded.

I went on a few bumble dates in summer but the guy just talked about his issues for a lot on dates then ghosted me

What’s wrong with me??