sex life.... help

so my boyfriend is on the freakier side. and i mean feet, pee, weird positions that i physically can’t do, etc lol. and i’m freaky but not THAT freaky.

but he’s brought to my attention that he thinks our sexy is boring. we use vibrators, paddles, ropes, role play, and so much more but he still finds it boring.

his main issue is that i don’t get on top enough, but it is so unbelievably hard for me.

1, i hate how i look. so knowing that he’s looking at all of me, just ain’t it lol. 2, i don’t know what feels good for him. but when i’m on top i can’t really feel much (only when i’m on top though). 3, IDK WHAT IM DOING. i’m 21 and up until him, i’ve never been on top before and i feel like i just suck. help please