Separated newlyweds

I got married 3 months ago, we barely spent a night Together before marriage and had a difficult time finding alone moments. Now that we are married spending nights alone and Together was like a dream come true.

But his dad got sick like a month ago and he spent two weeks at his parents house, (I wasnt allowed to enter their house to avoid conglomerations due to covid). Now his aunt is sick and he is back again at his parents house (just to give moral support to his mom)

I know I am a horrible person for feeling bad about my situation because they are trully having a bad time and my husband has been doing his best efforts to make me feel like he misses me. But I am only human and I will never express this to anyone else outside this post, but I feel like my honeymoon phase got interrupted, like a lot of our plans got cancelled and this is not what we had dreamed about our First year married.

I feel I should be with my mom who now lives alone since I got married instead of being in my house feeling lonely but my parents in law want the sickness to be a secret so I cant even tell my mom I have been alone all this time.