This is probably a stupid question

But curious, is it normal for your significant other to not really enjoy talking. Like about anything really. I mean we do talk but once in a blue moon. But I’m a really talkative person and am a SAHM at the moment and have no one to talk to or relate to and when I try to talk he doesn’t listen. He’s always decompressing from work, watching TV to relax, and I feel like my jabber is just a bother )=

Is it wrong of me to want to find someone to just talk to when I need to talk? Not like a side relationship or anything like that but literally a friend to just talk to that will listen to me. Is it normal to have friends you tell more things about to than your significant other??? I’m at a loss )=

I’m not into leaving him over this as our love is stronger than this, just trying how to cope with it and see if this is normal. TIA