She’s here!


This is my second baby, and I was induced with my first. I didn’t think I was in real labor because my contractions weren’t very regular, there was like 3 minutes of fluctuation (sometimes they were 5 minutes apart, sometimes 6 or 7) but they got PAINFUL. And once I realized they were getting more painful, I called l&d. They said to come in for monitoring because even though they aren’t regular, they’re painful so it’s worth checking. Well that was at 2:39. I called my mom and my fiancé, my mom came to pick up me and my son, drove us to the hospital, and I got here by 3:30. I was walking and talking through each contraction even though it hurt, so I thought for sure I would get sent back home. Well, I was 6 cm dilated when I got here and 90% effaced, by the time my fiancé got here I was 8 cm dilated and my water broke. By 4:33 i had a 7 pound 1.2 oz baby girl 😍 I wanted the epidural so bad but I was too far along when I got here. I screamed “I can’t do this” literally the entire time. But I did it 😂💞