Baby movements slowing all the way down.


Hey guys I’m kinda nervous at the moment. I’m 39 weeks 4 days. And my baby normally since I have been able to feel him move keeps a strict pattern.

He is a lazy baby during the day never fails I can get a roll here and there maybe a kick every once in a while. This I’m ok with.

When I lay down though he always is on go. I’m talking full gymnastics. But last night he just wouldn’t do it. He also normally wakes me up almost everyday now with hiccups.

Last night I started my normal kick counts and it legit took me until 7am (current time) to get to 10.

Yesterday though he was on point never deviated from the routine until last night. I’m gonna call L&D to see if they can check to see if something is wrong. But I wanted to check for those that delivered did you notice a decrease in movements? None of my kids prior to this have so this would be a first.