What would you do?

I'm due to go on maternity leave soon and I am not 100% sure I will return full time. 1 due to childcare being extremely expensive and 2 I wont want to leave baby with strangers.

Anyway, my SO and I have been together 10+ years, only this last year he has worked. For 9 years he didn't work due to mental health problems but he has done excellent to now work full time.

I said to him a while ago that after baby, I may not go back. I would like to be a stay at home mum. His response was that he would stop working too and we can get benefits... (probably would get the same amount as him working from benefits).

To me, this seems stupid. He should carry on working, but he says if I can not work, then he should have that option too. Which I get he should have that option, but really?!

Am I being unreasonable here ?