Ttc 1 year

Hi, I’ve been ttc 1 year now, recently had blood tests and waiting on the results. Doctor said after he has my blood results and my partners sperm analysis he can then refer us further.

Although we both really want to conceive, my partner won’t get his SA. I’ve asked him to but he believes it will all happen naturally. For example, I brought pre seed early into ttc and he suggested we stop using it and it should all happen naturally.

Anyway, we are at the one year mark and I have no baby and I don’t think the doctor will refer us because of not having SA. I thought it would be my right for them to investigate further if I’m not conceiving... Also we are in the U.K. and these are the steps we have to take to be refered.

we both definitely want children we ttc CONSTANTLY, just not sure what my options are if we don’t get SA? Has anyone else been in this position?

(We both want this so please don’t suggest otherwise, I need advice and positive steps forward).