I'm trying to be better about this ... VVFL real-talk

It's so common for GLOW users to post a very, very faint line pregnancy test for reassurance and opinions (hey that's what we are here for, to help one another 😎). Then there are so many responses that say something like: "OMG CONGRATS!!" Or "YES, POSITIVE!" I've been guilty of it, absolutely. We absolutely mean well with these words, but when the line is faint A/F, we can't really be sure it's positive, especially on those stupid blue dye tests, which almost ALWAYS have a blue dye run. You could use water on the test and it would STILL appear.

Lately, I've seen so many original posters reply in the comments letting us know that the follow up tests are all negative, 🥺 which is so heartbreaking, especially after they have received so many comments that say "CONGRATS!" "POSITIVE!" Positive comments that mean well become false hope.

With very, very faint lines, I'm trying to be better about saying things like, "I see it! It looks promising, keep testing! Baby dust!" instead of "Congrats you're pregnant!" Because really, I don't think we can look at a test and say "Pregnant!" Until the damn test line is: A. Visible that we don't feel the need to ask if anyone can see it; B. It has color; and/or C: a positive on a digital.

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. I just feel awful when VVFL posts come back negative and so many comments say "Wahoo pregnant!" I know it comes from a well meaning place, but encouraging comments like: "I think I see something! Keep testing!" Might be better?
