Is my father in law creepy about my baby

Idk why I get such weird vibes from him. I have posted about this when she was a few months old and I just want opinions again. She’s 1 now.

He definitely loves her and always wants to see her. He has bought her a lot of stuff which has helped us a lot so I am definitely appreciative but for some reason certain things he says just makes me feel weird.

For example - he calls her a woman , like the most beautiful woman in the world , he will say “I see you over there flirtin with me” when she’s staring at him , he’s like Come over here and smooch me, or I’m gonna smooch u , or he will be like “yeah I’m checking u out” when she’s smiling at him

I hate it. It makes me so uncomfortable. Even my husband is like omg. And thinks it’s weird he says that but I don’t think he thinks anything creepy about it , I’m not sure.

Anyways we lived with him for a while and he would always be like you can leave her here when we would be going to the store and I would not do it. He asks us all the time if we need him to watch her or anytime we go wnywhere if we want to leave her with him. I won’t ever do it obviously just because I have a weird feeling. Am I being crazy ? All I know is when she is around my dad I don’t get this weird feeling that he gives me.