Husband's insecurities (long post)

Start off with my husband gets jealous but it's never been bad. I use to work at large corporations and he'd always say that he's happy that I chose him and not one of the rich men that throw their money at me 🤦‍♀️ anyways I've been a SAHM for 2 years now and although they have been the best years, they're hard financially. I found a family that needs a babysitter, I'd get to stay home but get paid for it. My husband isn't thrilled and I'm not sure why. I met with the couple Wednesday in public but invited them over today with the kids so they could get a feel for it. It went great except my husband started calling me. I answered him when they left but he was so pissed. Talking about how he doesn't want a man around his house when he's not home and how would I feel if a girl started hanging around his job. It's so unlike him and crazy and idk what is going on. The wife would be dropping the one child off in the morning and the husband dropping the other off in the afternoon so I don't know how to tell him that it's going to be an everyday event and have him be ok with it. We have never had issues a day we've been together for 6 years so this is coming out of nowhere and we have cameras around the house so he can literally "be there" whenever he wants. Anyone have any advice?