Early labor?

I’m 33 weeks pregnant, second child. Milky first born and she will be 14 months apart if she’s born at 40 weeks.

I’ve had Braxton Hicks since 20 weeks, not really a concern however until it started getting stronger last week and occasionally pains.

I still wasn’t too concerned because with my son, I had real contractions for two weeks (I’m talking as they were lasting 30-45 seconds each one and being 2 mins apart for several hours each night, it was always at night!) and being 2.5cm dilated before being induced right at 40 weeks and having him exactly 40 weeks.

Last week I asked to be checked due to the contractions getting stronger (and I dont mean a level 10, but definitely like a 4, just saying it wasn’t a 1 anymore and getting tighter and more frequent ) and occasional back and side pain with them,

I turned out to be 1cm @32 weeks

A little concerning but not much, as I just had a baby last year.


Today I had some super duper tight contractions and my back was hurting. I was like uh oh, only last about an hour overall, but then I started getting intense cramps down where your uterus ordinarily would be and then lightening crotch happened. As I’m laying in bed, I’m just so crampy.

I know none of you are doctors (well you might be lol) but I’m just asking for OPINIONS not facts as you can’t give them to me because you’re not my doctor lol. I’m just curious as to what you guys think!

Could I go into labor soon?

Do you think I can last til 40 weeks?

Do you have any similar experiences? How’d it turn out?