My husband won’t give me the last of the ice cream

Am I hormonal and crazy or would you be pissed ?!

I am so upset right now over I e cream .

We are staying at his dads for a few *days and we went to the store and got a big container of coffee ice cream (because that’s what I wanted ) his dad also likes it and if he wanted to get some at any time from the carton that’s fine

But anyways i ate some last night and then tonight I am still craving it so he went and got me a bowl of it. I still feel kind of awkward in his dads house so he will usually grab me food if his dad is just sitting out there. I don’t know him very wel yet but anyways. I was breastfeeding and finished the ice cream and asked him to get me more please and he’s like no there’s only a little left what if he wants some , I told him that we got it . I was like idc ?! I’m pregnant and We got it for me and he literally refused to go get me any more. I actually feel hurt and it’s more than about the ice cream

I know I asked for opinions but I’m so annoyed. I only had a little and we went to the store because it is the only thing I’m craving. It’s not like it’s his and I ate it all or something. It just is bothering me. Also his dad went to the store tonight and got lots of snacks and stuff and i would never expect him not to eat something that he bought because he’s worried about us ? And I know he wouldn’t not eat it anyways lol