LH strip opinions please


Hi everyone! I’m new here. I joined because I’m trying to figure out my cycle.

Bit of background : my husband and I started ttc in fall 2018 (we had 2 early miscarriages at 6+2 and 6+4, 1 missed miscarriage at 11+4 and 1 blighted ovum diagnosed at 9+4) and finally conceived our healthy rainbow unexpectedly in winter 2019. I am now 6 months postpartum and we are hoping we are able to conceive a bit easier with less heartache this next time. I’m breastfeeding and my cycle returned 12/17. Then it came “late” on 1/27 and I bled for 5 days and then about 3 days later had spotting/light bleeding for about 4 days. So it’s been very irregular, but my doc said that’s because of breastfeeding. So yesterday, I bought opks to try because I was cramping a ton and some were cramps like I would with ovulation prior to my pregnancy. I am not pregnant, my pregnancy tests are negative and my period should be coming soon. This app says in 3 days but idk if breastfeeding will effect it again this month or what.

Anyway, this photo is the LH tests I took today because I was curious. The top is the AM and the bottom is the PM. They look dark (not peak dark) to me for someone who is expecting their period within the next couple days. Could I be ovulating late? Does breastfeeding effect LH to where I shouldn’t expect lighter tests before my period? Anyone have any thoughts or insight for me? ❤️