When....(a long read)

When is it enough to just give up on relationships?...

I'm almost 25, i hate dating apps cause mostly all of them has guys just looking for a quick fuck and that's it. And I'm not into that. I had my fair share of one night stands (like 3 lol) and I hated the feeling afterwards. I want a family so bad.. I want a baby at least, 3 to be more specific. But... my trust issues are so fucked up beyond repair nowadays. I've only been in 3 serious relationships, they didn't last long but.. 9 months. 6months(we even lived together) & 1 year 3 months. And all of them but the first one (that I know of) cheated on me... they were all toxic thou.. I'm such a hopeless romantic, my heart is so big, once I'm into someone I'm INTO someone, they are the only ones I see and the only ones I wanna make happy & wanna see happy.. it's one of my greatest downfalls tbh... I can't even get out of the talking stage because either they fuck it up or I go looking for things to have it fucked up(I've been working on this.) I'm just stuck... all the guys I talk to either wants a quick fuck or talking to a million other girls and I don't compete, I feel like I shouldn't have too, I'm a somewhat good looking girl, I'm loyal, overcaring, overloving, etc... Just the things I want in life is something I can't seem to find or keep (I guess). Everyone around me has a family of their own, and I'm like the loner that got stuck way behind... my heart hurts... I just want it to be my turn to be in love and have kids... 🥺😔