Super stressed!!


Hi everyone. First post here - hoping someone can help (don’t know all the abbreviations sorry so forgive me!). Bit of background info:

We started TTC properly 1yr ago and got referred to fertility services Aug 2020 as I’m 35 - all test results were completely normal & we were told to carry on trying. I had a miscarriage in Sept 2020 at 6wks & started trying again Nov 2020. Before the miscarriage, my cycles were 25/26 days long but now they’re around the 23/24 days so v short!

If I take my longest cycle, I’m now 2 days late (13DPO) & no sign of my period. Had slight brown/pink discharge yesterday and have had mild cramping for a few days but nothing else. Did a pregnancy test yesterday and today but both negative.

Has anyone been in a similar position to me or know anyone who has? Hoping I’ll test positive in a few days but trying not to get my hopes up too much!! Sorry for the essay- ask away if need any more info.

Thanks everyone xXx