I’m Not Really Sure What To Do....

Cori Ann • TTC#1👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏻 Angel Babies👼🏽👼🏽👼🏾

Hey Lovies,

My husband and I have been TTC for 9 months.

My periods have always been 2-3 days early. Ovulation confirmed every month.

This month (Feb ‘21) I stupidly did not confirm ovulation. I am now 5 days late. I spotted a few days before my expected period but I never started. I have taken so many tests and felt like I had a faint line. I took a digital and FRER this morning with bfn results.

I am not stressed. I have been staying busy, keeping myself occupied. I have been feeling lost lately, distant, confused. I’ve also been nauseated throughout the day and car sick, especially when my husband drives. I usually don’t want to eat until dinner - no appetite.

I am a little worried considering I didn’t get a positive test with my last pregnancy (ended in Miscarriage) until I was 6.5 weeks.

Any advice would be helpful... encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

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