Tell the woman

Should a woman be told that her bf is playing her?? Like still sleeping with both the mothers of his children?? Who both have to put up with him seeing his kids when he pleases and how he pleases. We recently going out bc he called me her name just so happens I know her. I’m not here to destrou anyone’s happiness but is it fair? He even left the other mother pregnant by herself for months and would sneak his way in promise her things than boom disappear. Her fault I know but she’s pregnant. He used her out of 10000 to help his business promises on promises he’ll pay. He used me up until he got this new girl staying with me out of nowhere: he never said oh let’s break up hes been lying saying he’s at work but is fucking his boss and she thinks he’s sooook dandy. Even took my child there they only know each other a few weeks. I’m furious!!! He been sleeping with both sneaked his way and now has his business with her using her too!!!! Like I need advise I’m so pissed off. I know ppl say oh karma will get him. She’ll end up knocked up and boom in our situation what should I do!!! Trust me she can have him I just think it’s so unfair !! How should she be told I cannot put my face bc he will stop helping me and my son !!!!!!

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Karma is a bitch and trust me karma misses nobody. If she’s new she has noo idea save her from the agony. If she decides to keep going that’s on her. I say if there’s communication tell her. Taste of his own medicine: sorry for all the woman hurt and involved. You can do it anonymously. There apps you can use. Or you can just let it go and continue life. Ugh men are sooo disgusting!!!!


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Tell her and forget him. That's it.


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Girl move on!!! Tell her if you want but I guarantee she knows. Just stop sleeping with him and move on.


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Tell her