Is this pp depression or just depression?? Thank you I appreciate you if you read this , I have no one to talk to (can u even have PP depression when your baby is already 1

I’m 12 months pp. and I’m 15 weeks pregnant. I’m exhausted all the time I feel overwhelmed and so stressed about having a newborn while my baby is still so young and she’s very very attached because I’m still breastfeeding and she still sleeps with me. We’re in the middle of trying to figure out where weregoing to move. We’re broke all the time. I have no one to talk to. I have an amazing mom and dad but for some reason they are very judge mental are hard to talk with. I tried to call my mom this morning to vent about it and she just makes me feel worse about myself about how I need to budget. (Which I alrwsdy know) and then gets off the phone after only talking for 5 minutes. She thinks I only call her to ask for money I’m sure and I never ask I’m just venting about how stressed I am and she obviously feels bad and just sends me money through cash app and it makes me feel even worse. Like a loser. And then she will barely text me back after when I’m thanking her telling her she didn’t have to but I appreciate her. I feel so awkward, embarrassed , uncomfortable. I can tell I just annoy everyone and my sisters will only talk to me for 5-10 minutes. My best friend doesn’t even call me anymore even if I call her or text her she rarely answers. I feel so alone. I feel like I’m not close with anyone and I’m so grateful to have my baby and my husband but he is not a very emotional sensitive person and it’s hard for him to understand my feelings. Imscared , I feel like we’re just at rock bottom. Idk if this could be pp depression or just normal to feel this way with everything going on ? I was diagnosed with PP anxiety and that is really bad all the time

Also last weekend I had to give my dog away (I posted about it , he was very unpredictable and it scared me around my baby) and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’ve cried every night and it still feels like I made the wrong decision no matter how unsafe I know it was. i already regret it

Anytime I call my dad to talk he just says unhelpful things like , “well your husband should quit then and blah blah blah “ and try to make more money somewhere else but he can’t just quit right now it would make things even worse. Or he starts making me feel bad about how I need to get my license ( my mom also does this) I’m 25 and everytime I’ve tried to drive I panic and I literally get dizzy and I hate it so much. I’ve practiced so many times and it never goes away. I hate driving and so I never got it. It makes me feel like a POS in general that i can’t drive and they make me feel even worse and tell me every time we talk to go get it.

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