When did your s/o feel movment with an anterior placenta

Grace 🦋 pcos 🌻 👧🏻👧🏼👶🏼👼🏼

I’m currently 30 weeks with an anterior placenta . I don’t know if it’s just today but the baby seems to be moving a lot more then she usually does or at least I’m starting to feel it more then I was before . I love when she moves I love feeling it and feel I’ve missed out on such a special thing during pregnancy because of my placenta . But my question is when was your significant other able to feel the baby ?? I feel so bad, my husband hasn’t been able to feel her yet , she wasn’t moving enough to where he could and when she does move or kick me hard enough he’s gone or she stops when he touches my stomach . I really want him to feel her but I’m starting to think he may not since I hardly feel her.