Frustrated by TTC sex!


Hey gals, hope you're all doing great! Just looking for a place to vent really.

It's my second month TTC and third month off the pill, so I am really still figuring out my cycles and very unsure about when or even if I ovulated this cycle.

I'm on day 29. Last cycle I got my period on what would have been day 30 and the one before, I got it on what would have been day 35. So my cycles are between 29 and 34 days long which although very different is not considered irregular.

I don't seem to get any signs of ovulation and this cycle I ran out of Clear Blue testers before I got a peak smiley face.

I had a blood test on day 21 of my cycle but the results (which I got a week later) showed I hadn't ovulated yet and probably would within the next day or so... so it seems this is going to be a longer cycle than my last.

Anyways, none of this would or really should matter too much, except TTC sex is different to normal sex. At least, for my partner and I...we ended up having almost daily sex up until day 14 of my cycle. 

After that, my partner was pretty confident we'd covered our window and we didn't have sex again. We're pretty busy people and just didn't really get around to it, even though I said I thought we should probably just keep going anyway.

Anyways, my point is, I feel frustrated because it seems we 'wasted' this month and most likely didn't even have sex once during the window.


With a somewhat unpredictable cycle, I'm not sure how to make sure we do it during the window without making it feel forced or like a chore. 

Any similar experiences?