He’s here!! ❤️🥰


Yesterday- I was just supposed to go to my last doc app, but it turned into going immediately into L&D. To be honest, when I woke up yesterday it felt like I got hit by a truck, just so out of it and it was perfect timing to go see my doc as I felt like something was up.. at my baby doc app I had high blood pressure, protein in my urine, and reported to her that I had on and off headaches. She checked my cervix and it was soft.. since being high risk and my doc not letting my go into labor, it was the perfect storm to move delivery day to today. It was supposed to be March 8th, but baby Bernard made his appearance 02/25/2021 at 7:30pm. I’m a first time mom so having a c section was scary as shit for me (had an open myomectomy before which although people said is similar, def not the same) but it was all worth it. So far I’ve only had two hours of sleep since I’ve been here because I just want to hold my baby. Good luck to all my March mamas! You got this!