I’m freaked out!!


I’m having a major meltdown tonight because I’ve convinced myself my baby is not growing. I’m 6 weeks on Sunday with an early ultrasound on Tuesday because I’m in so much pain.

I had a ultrasound at 5+2 due to excruciating period cramps(my periods are normally traumatic and horrendously painful with no cause) to rule out ectopic and we saw a beautiful sac and yolk where it should be. I just get 2 or so “waves” a day of excruciating lower pelvic typical period pain. Where all I can do is cry and rock back n forth for 10- 15 minutes. I have no morning sickness at all. No bleeding. I’m just tired, and my boobs feel like they get zapped by lightning regularly.

I’m beyond terrified of a missed miscarriage. This is my first ever pregnancy and I didn’t want children for this exact reason. The fear and anxiety. But I want this baby so so badly. But I’m so scared the pain is because something has happened and I won’t see a heartbeat on Tuesday.

I’ve never met anyone who’s told me the pain is normal :(