Do you relate to this?

I guess my period is due in 5 days. I was confused until glow sent me an email like hello your period is due next week.

My boobs.. hurt so bad that they feel like wounds. Have you ever had a wound bad enough it took some time to heal so you had to live with it, and became conscious of every move you made so that you wouldn’t rub it or hit against anything because PAIN. ??

That’s how my boobs feel. My nipples feel like wounds.

It actually feels good to rub my boobs like down near my armpit in that muscle area.

But my nipples? I could cry over them. And this is like 100% normal for me for when I’m in my PMS week. I told my boyfriend that my boobs hurt and he grabbed them to massage them thinking it would help but I ripped his hands off me so fast because my nipples were screaming at me.

They also seem to get.. not larger but elongated through this time in my cycle.

My body is weird as hell

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