COVID vaccinations and family


So I am curious if others are experiencing something similar in their families with the vaccinations starting.

Back story: I have an autoimmune disorder considered disabled, also pregnant, plan on nursing, a stay at home mom. Probably have already had COVID while pregnant but rapid test came back negative however doctors weren't convinced it was accurate and it could have been a false negative.

I have had several phone calls in the last two days from family asking if I will get the vaccinations as it becomes available? I find this question to be personal and everyone's individual choice. Have no intention of judging someone either way. However I feel very judged when I answered no. I had to explain what my doctors and I have discussed. The risk factors with my health. They have even asked if my husband will get it. A completely healthy young man, I have explained he will have to make that choice when it is available but that is far off for him as he isn't considered a priority.

Basically I have been told that these family members miss me as they haven't seen me for over a year and that if our whole family (roughly 50 people) got the vaccinations we could all be together again. I have explained that it isn't offered to most of us yet and that each person has to make the choice for themselves.

I have been extremely diligent staying a distance from everyone as I again am pregnant and have autoimmune condition and have a high risk pregnancy. However I am getting the feeling that if we don't get the vaccinations this could potentially mean my family isn't going to allow us around.

Really been so hard as it is to have felt so isolated and during one of the hardest years of my life. To think of that continuing is heartbreaking for me. Also that I am following what my doctors are saying and doing what I believe is right for us.

Is anyone else experiencing this?