T2 Diabetic, wanting to try for #2


I am new to this app and was hoping for some advice..sorry for this being long.

8 years ago I had my daughter. During my pregnancy I had gestational diabetes and required a small dose of insulin nightly.

I was fine with no issues until last year, where I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My a1c was a 14, I brought it down to an 8.3. But cannot get it lower, and constant medicine chAnges with no luck. I get my new a1c Thursday...but this medicine has not helped with my daily numbers (so another change is in the future). I typically can keep my day numbers in a good range, but my morning fasting levels are always high.

I am on a strict 20 carbs only per meal, no extra sugars, water..water. and more water. ..and exercise daily.. and I cannot seem to lose weight (slightly overweight @170).

Hubby and I want to try for baby #2 starting in feb., but with me not being controlled and reading stories of miscarriages and it taking longer... I am scared as hell. And my mother keeps telling me I am endangering my future child.

Is there anyone in the same boat or have had success?? Any pointers?? Should we not try?? I am sorry.. just confused and trying to educate ourselves more before we do anything but we really want to try for #2!!! Thanks!

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I'm type 1, my bg range is 65-95. When I found out with my 1st my a1c was a 12, with strict control I got it to a 6.5, all was well with baby. I'm expecting #2 and my a1c is a 7.5, my doctor prefers it to be under a 6 while pregnant, so I'm working on it. The dangers of having a high a1c while pregnant can bring risks to you and the baby, such as excess sugar being passed to placenta & having a much larger birth weight that could result in c-section. I personally would wait until it comes down a bit just to ensure you're at a healthy point for you and baby. From an insulin standpoint I'd up your dose at night so your morning bg is in range. Good luck!


Kaila • Dec 1, 2015
im type 2...not on insulin. with my 1st I was on insulin the last trimester. and was fine until now. I have done everything right but that night number just won't budge. hubby and I want to wait until Feb. to try..as that will be my next date for bloodwork and we will decide from there. I am actually scheduled Thursday for this reading..hoping its come down..if not another med change is in the future.


Posted at
Hi! I am type 1 and have been for 27 years. I have 3 healthy children. Pregnancy with diabetes can be difficult and you will need to be closely monitored. Do you see an endocrinologist? Your A1c at 8 is still too high. Are you on insulin? A pump? Sorry I only really know about type 1 and I am not a doctor, but I would think any doctor would advise you to get your A1c lower before trying to conceive. 


Kaila • Dec 1, 2015
I have tried not eating after 6 and it doesn't change. they put me on metformin, but i suffer from Crohn's disease and it was horrible. I wanf tl talk to the dr about a very very small dose. as it did help, but physically I couldn't tolerate it. I am in Florida...so its a bit harder. and I do not qualify for Medicaid. and it would kill hubbys paycheck to add me at the moment. we are waiting until the first of the year to see if it drops any. and I am currently looking for something I can afford to cover myself.


Ashley • Dec 1, 2015
I am insulin dependent. Fasting blood sugar is harder because the breakdown is slower as you sleep. When I was pregnant, I could not eat anything after 7 pm without taking insulin because it would cause my blood sugar to elevate at night. In my state, Indiana, insurance is available to everyone.


Kaila • Dec 1, 2015
my daughter is healthy as can be. my dr and I have been working on lowering it every 3 months. I know 8 is still very high. I am not on insulin at this time (think that may be his next step). unfortunately I do no see an endocrinologist..I do not have insurance and cannot afford the office visit. and the closest one to me at this time is a 2 hour drive. my fasting (overnight) numbers are what I cannot get to come down for the life of me. its also why hubby and I are waiting until after feb to consider trying.


Posted at
I have type 2 diabetes and it took me 17 years to get pregnant, I was pregnant with twins and lost them at 20 weeks that was in August I was pregnant again the 27th of this month I had a miscarriage. I would talk to a nutritionist about how to eat healthy and manage your blood sugar while pregnant. I know for a fact my twins hearts stop beating because my sugar was 509 4 days prior my doctors appointment.


Aiesha • Dec 1, 2015
thank you Kaila


Kaila • Dec 1, 2015
I have my eating under complete control and have talked with a nutritionist. my log shows I am doing and following the plans right. my numbers are rarely higher than 230 on a bad day. I monitor 5 times a day..with meds. the normal meds are not helping much. we haven't tried to conceive (daughter is from previous marriage) since we have been together.


Kaila • Dec 1, 2015
I am so sorry for you losses.