T2 Diabetic, wanting to try for #2


I am new to this app and was hoping for some advice..sorry for this being long.

8 years ago I had my daughter. During my pregnancy I had gestational diabetes and required a small dose of insulin nightly.

I was fine with no issues until last year, where I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My a1c was a 14, I brought it down to an 8.3. But cannot get it lower, and constant medicine chAnges with no luck. I get my new a1c Thursday...but this medicine has not helped with my daily numbers (so another change is in the future). I typically can keep my day numbers in a good range, but my morning fasting levels are always high.

I am on a strict 20 carbs only per meal, no extra sugars, water..water. and more water. ..and exercise daily.. and I cannot seem to lose weight (slightly overweight @170).

Hubby and I want to try for baby #2 starting in feb., but with me not being controlled and reading stories of miscarriages and it taking longer... I am scared as hell. And my mother keeps telling me I am endangering my future child.

Is there anyone in the same boat or have had success?? Any pointers?? Should we not try?? I am sorry.. just confused and trying to educate ourselves more before we do anything but we really want to try for #2!!! Thanks!