Does your one year old baby respond to their name?


My daughter turned 12 months on the 11th, and she is responsive with us conversationally — she will mimic sounds we make to her (coughs, huffs, humming, yelling lol) and if we say some of her sounds (mama, baba, papa) she will say them back to us.

But, she never really responds to her name consistently. She will do it occasionally but I think it’s more coincidental and it’s very difficult for me to intentionally get her to respond.

My sister (a teacher) commented on it today, and since she’s my first child and I’m still new to this, and she’s vocally communicating with us, I didn’t think much of it. But like Dr. Google always does, it has me worried because it said babies should be responsive by 7 to 9 months and by their first birthday if they aren’t responsive it CAN be (not necessarily is) a sign of autism.

How are y’all’s one year olds doing? Any advice from experienced mamas?

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