18 months postpartum weight loss journey

Tanesha • Pregnant with baby girl #2

Hello everyone. I would love to share my weight loss journey with you all.

Let me start by saying it took me awhile to get to where I am mentally and emotionally. I gave birth to my oldest daughter in 2016 and suffered from mild postpartum depression. I let myself go completely. Between being a mom, wife, working and in school full time.. it was exhausting physically and mentally to the point I had to drop out of school and just focus on working. I would eat out all the time because I was too tired to cook dinner after getting home from school and work. I became an emotional eater. I would sit and eat a box of donuts in one sitting. I was a few pounds away from 200. Fast forward to 2019, I found out I was pregnant with my second daughter who is now 18 months old. I continued to work up until I was 32 weeks pregnant. My postpartum depression was worse this time and of course being quarantined didn’t make it any better but I told myself I wouldn’t go back to how I was after I gave birth to my first born. After I stopped breastfeeding, I was able to take my weight loss journey seriously and I did just that. I am proud to say I have lost over 20 lbs. I still have a long ways to go but I’ve come so far. I still have days where I feel down, wanting to cry and just say eff this. I won’t let postpartum depression get the best of me!! I will keep going!! I really hope this post will inspire someone. For those who are suffering from postpartum depression or depression in general, don’t be afraid to ask for help!! :) know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. For those who are on a weight loss journey, don’t give up!! You got this!!