What do you think my chances are?



New to this group. I miscarried at 5 months and we are devastated. We have now been given the go ahead to start trying straight away.

This month I had 1 day of flashing CB flashing smiley advanced OPK and then a static smiley the next day. I had sex on both of these days and hoping my chances are good.

My chart is up although it dipped yesterday, hoping it could be an implantation dip.

I have already found so much comfort reading through these posts and hoping that you will all be able to send me some positive advice.

I did a test at 8DPO which was negative as expected. My last pregnancy I got a positive at 11DPO. I have also done an OPK and it’s very negative so I’m not sure if that’s a sign that I’m not pregnant as I know they can pick up HCG too.

Any advice, comments about chances of being pregnant again will help. Have you taken a pregnancy test at 8DPO that has changed to positive? Or a OPK?

I have posted my chart but it is missing a lot of readings as my thermometer broke.

Thank you so much xxx

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