RANT/VENT WITH ME!! Waiting for everything after miscarriage !!

Y’all...I feel like I’m waiting FOREVER!

I just wanna vent for a minute. Anyone else with me?!

I miscarried at 4 weeks on the 9th. Trying to be more positive after that experience. So I’m going to make light of a crappy situation.

Pretty sure I didn’t ovulate or missed it somehow (because that’s what I’m telling myself so I stop driving my husband insane 😜). I tested every morning and every night because I wanted to see how my body was going to react after the miscarriage. But I have a feeling I either didn’t ovulate at all or I completely missed it. Also, I know that AF might not start on time. So I’m literally just waiting LOL. And let me tell you, I am literally the MOST IMPATIENT PERSON ever. When I first got pregnant, my husband asked me how often I had tested (because there were six tests on the counter 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️). I told him every time I had to pee for the last couple hours. Why?? Because I was convinced the test was lying to me. That it was negative and I just got a bad batch with false positives. Yes yes, I seem to be utterly delusional. So now I wait. Impatiently. For everything. Maybe ovulation? Maybe AF? Maybe pregnant? Who knows! It’s like a fun (or not so fun) party trick.

I’m “supposed” to start AF on the 9th. So we’ll see. I took a test today because you know....why not?!? 🥴🤪 of course negative. I felt like I saw a hint of a line but I’m telling myself it was negative. Flat out negative. Maybe in another week I’ll take a test. Or in all actuality, I’ll probably test tomorrow morning. Why?? Because I have no self control, that’s why. 🙃