Post-injury ultrasound


I had a fall yesterday and banged up my ankle pretty bad so we had an u/s today at my apt to check on baby. Baby looks good and was moving around a lot. We find out the gender in 2 weeks! I’m 15 weeks exactly today. ❤️

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Posted at
I was in a head on car accident Friday evening. Went to ER to make sure baby was ok. All they did was Doppler for heart rate and grabbed an IV ultrasound machine for looking at veins but we did see baby move a few times. I go to the Dr. on Thursday. My chest looks like your ankle.


Nicole • Mar 4, 2021
Omg!! I hope you are feeling alright!!


Abbie • Mar 3, 2021
Ouch my goodness that looks sore! Glad you got to see baby moving and heartbeat was good hope your drs appointment goes well!


Posted at
I hope you are feeling okay today!! That must of sucked, but at least you got to see bubs right??


Posted at
I did the same my first pregnancy. Fell down some stairs (didn’t hit my tummy or anything though? did something to my ankle/leg. Stupidly of me though I didn’t go to a dr or have my baby checked out. I think I was in shock and pain from my ankle. So glad he was fine I still hate myself for that moment and not getting checked. My leg/ankle still isn’t the same so I still have no idea what I did but glad I can walk on it. So I’m glad you got checked and everything turned out fine! I just wanted to say to anyone else reading please get checked if you fall or feel anything might be wrong! Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy and birth x